Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another beautiful rainy day!

He got a little cold at the circus.

Today was another beautiful rainy day.... and I mean it rained ALL day. It was so nice. Around 1:00pm I went into Walmart, and it was pouring, but it was really humid and still hot. When I came was still raining, but the temperature had dropped 20 degrees! No kidding! It went from 83 to 65 in like 30 minutes. I was so happy! When I picked the kids up at school Dimitri was shaking, literally shaking, by the time we got to the car. Poor Haitian/Texan child.

On another note, my circus pictures didn't turn out so great. Denaiza's head kind of disappears. I tried to take a couple without the flash, but those are blurry. I will post what I have, and if you look really closely you can see her BIG smile. What can I say? I am not Brandon.

God is so great! Tony got internet in his room! I am thrilled. Now he might have time to write an email longer than 3 sentences! Don't get me wrong, those 3 sentences that he is able to send are wonderful.....I just love any contact I can get from him. So, this is going to be a real blessing. We are also praying that we will now be able to use the webcams my dad got for us. I think it will really help the kids to be able to see Daddy.

Ok, that is all for now. Good night.