Friday, October 31, 2008

NBA Season Starts

The NBA season is officially underway. Big deal huh? WELL YES it IS a big deal, let me explain why. You see different people mark time passing in different ways. Teachers use grading periods, in everyday "non-teacher" life to keep track of how much time has passed. You might hear "Well, the first 9 weeks is done" or "We are in the second semester now", etc.
For me, I tend to keep track of time with sports seasons. There is football, the Superbowl, basketball, March Madness, and the NBA finals. Makes perfect sense right?
So, back to why it is important that the NBA season has started.....I know that by the time the playoffs roll around, Tony will be home on R&R!!!! Isn't that exciting!!!! I am finally to a sports season that Tony will be back for. I am thrilled!!!

Wednesday evening

Wednesday evening the kids got to carve their first pumkin! I couldn't wait to make them stick their hands in that gooey yuckky mess!!! It is kind of like parent payback...just think of all those times the kids have gotten into things they weren't supposed to....hahaha now they HAVE to touch the yucky stuff. I know, weird mommy humor, but we have to laugh about something around here!
So....we sat out on our driveway and emptied the pumpkins. Then we made the faces. We cleaned off and then went inside to put candles inside. The kids had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Here is proof for my husband that I listen to him...... (no dear, I am not wearing flip flops)

Here is proof for my mom that I listen to her......(yes mom, I wore a sweatshirt today)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Severe weather

Living in Idaho I got used to hearing that alarm sound on the TV if there was some serious weather issue coming into town, however, 9 out of 10 times it was just a warning and nothing serious was going to happen.
Here in Texas it is a little bit of a different story though. Over the past few months I have seen warnings for hurricanes, tornados, golfball- sized hail, severe thunderstorms, etc. It is a bit more serious here.
Well today really topped it off for me....I think we will batten down the hatches and stock up on food for a few weeks....I don't know if the kids will be able to go to school....there was a severe weather warning for our area.....FREEZE WARNING!!!!
Yep, you read that correct....a freeze warning.....and in case you haven't looked at a calendar lately, it is almost NOVEMBER!!!! Yes, they really have posted an extreme weather warning for "freeze." With all due respect, tomatoes that try to live until November deserve to be frost bitten!
In my mother's honor, I will make sure the kids wear turtle necks and sweats to school tomorrow, along with their winter coats and ski hats!!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

A letter to a "not so good" friend....

Dear Deployment,
The best policy is usually honesty, and so I will write you this letter honestly.
You are a spoiler. Not a spoiler like a BCS busting school, or a fire drill before a big test, but more like a blown out diarrhea diaper all over a new white shirt. You spoil my days and night, my dreams and desires. You are inconvenient and frustrating to deal with.
Perhaps I should go back to the beginning of our relationship so that I can give you the whole picture. You introduced yourself to me, over the phone, only weeks before my wedding. Bad timing. In case you didn’t know, that pre-wedding planning time is supposed to be a blissful exciting time where a bride looks forward to her new life with her new husband. By introducing yourself to me at that time you only brought with you fear and stress. Not the good “not sure what flavor cake to get” kind of stress, but the “will my husband be alive to see our 2nd anniversary” kind of stress. Yes, I did ok with your introduction, but I still wasn’t happy about you. And let me tell you, you had real nerve to have your secretary call and wake me up the morning after I got home from my honeymoon to give more specifics about your devious plan to steal my husband!
You caused me to have to leave beautiful Boise and to make this wretched land in Texas my new “home.” Did you know that the only people that call this “the Great Place” have to be paid to say that?
You became my husband’s mistress as he trained and practiced how to best serve you. Because of you we became glad when dinner time was before 8PM. You made people call my husband at all times of the night. And as if that wasn't enough, you dragged him out of bed at unimaginable hours.
Then, that fateful August morning, you decided that we should meet in person. I knew that it was coming, but that didn’t mean I was looking forward to our “real” introduction. It was so early that the sun didn’t even want to get up to meet you. You waited on that old white bus, starring at me with gloomy eyes. I tried to ignore you so that I could be strong for my husband. You made my stomach drop as the tears of sadness rolled down my husband’s face. You must be pretty horrible to make my man of steel weep. It was all I could do to muster up the strength to tell him “it is going to be ok.” The ceremony to honor you went off without a hitch. Then my dear, sweet, strong husband headed outside to meet up with you on the bus. I looked you right in the eye, for the first time, as my husband blew me one final kiss. Then off you went, like a thief in the night, with the one thing that means more than anything in the world to me.
My relationship with you since then has been like a rollercoaster ride. Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking good relationship one day, bad relationship the next.....more like bad relationship, horrible relationship, ok relationship and back to bad. I have never liked you and I still don’t. You will never have my approval or acceptance. However, because I have His strength, I am learning to deal with you.
You sure haven’t been kind to the kids. You have brought sadness and temper tantrums that seem like something I would only see on TV. My walls and some broken toys may never forgive you. You have caused questions to be asked that sometimes I don’t have answers for: Why do soldiers fight? Why can’t daddy come home tonight? Why does daddy need a gun? Why does daddy have to help those children when I want him here? How far away is Iraq? Does daddy still love me even though he can’t see me?
They are just children, why is it necessary to involve them in this messy relationship?
Although life is always full of small, daily challenges, you seem to make mountains out of molehills. For example, the lawnmower and weed eater broke in the same hour. Who will help me get them fixed? The toilet water is running. Who will stick their hands in the yucky water for me? I forgot the milk at the store. Who will stop and grab some on their way home? My cell phone won’t work. Who will stand up to the stupid AT&T people for me? Yes, small things in life you say, but they become so frustrating.
You have introduced me to words like deploymones, R&R, Hostile Fire Pay, Donut of Misery, and on and on.
Because of you, every time I look at a clock my brain automatically calculates 8 hours ahead.
You make me cry over silly things like when I hear a song, see a dad hug his child, or cover my heart for the Star Spangled Banner.
You make me despise sand storms.
You have made me a lonely football fan.
You have made me a single parent.
You have stolen the joy of rolling over in the night to feel warm feet next to mine.
You make it hard to get into bed at night.
You took away the smell of coffee brewing in the mornings.
You took away my heart-to-heart talks on Friday evenings.
And sleep..... well, you have made that almost nonexistent.
I suppose, to be fair to you, I should also mention the positive things that have come from meeting you (although none of them are worth your presence in my life). I now know more than I ever wanted to about the US Post Office and its policies and procedures. You make me appreciate technology like the internet, email, VOIP telephones, and web cameras. Thanks to you, I can get away with only shaving my legs every other week! We can have French toast for dinner and hot dogs for breakfast. But by far, the best thing about you coming into our lives is that we are learning what it really means to trust God.
Am I glad that you are here? No. Am I glad that I have become dehydrated from all the tears I have cried because of you? No. Do I hope that you go away soon? Yes. If I had the power to do away with you forever, would I? Absolutely.
But, you are here now, and this is our reality. You should be thankful I am a praying woman because if I weren’t you would be in a world of hurt. I am sure I will have more to write to you later, as this is really only the beginning of our relationship, but that is enough for now. I hope that you have a miserable evening.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The weather!

Check this out! I love it.....

Yep, it really says 43 degrees!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Fun

Well, our dinners haven't been as fancy since Daddy left..... not that they were all that fancy before, but now it is a little more laid back. But tonight we decided to have a little fun. Yep! Pumpkin Cheese Sandwiches!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Quotes of the Day

Here are a few funny things Dimitri has said lately:

* Me "Whewwww! Good thing you guys are in the bath, you smell like rotten apples"
Dimitri "Noooooo Mommy, we are just children"

*Dimitri " I think I will just sit here while you go potty mommy"
Me "Why?.... could I have some privacy please?"
Dimitri "Well, no, I am gonna sit here until you are done, or until Daddy comes home"
(not sure which one will happen first!)

*Dimitri "How many baby pumpkins are inside that big pumpkin?"

*Dimitri "I like blue pickles. Can we have some for dinner?"
Me "Wow Dimitri, you must be really hungry. Did you eat your sandwich I made you for lunch?"
Dimitri "No mommy"
Me "Why not?"
Dimitri " Because it wasn't a blue pickle sandwich."
(Silly me, I should have thought of that)

*Dimitri- on the way to school early in the morning
"Mommy, I am ready for a baby sistoor. Can we get one after school if I make good choices?"
Me " uhhhh, I will pray about that one"
(Oh, how I wish it were that simple)

As we are sitting on the couch watching football:
Dimitri "I don't want to sit with you any more, I want to sit on the other couch"
Me "ok.... here is a blanket to keep you warm."
Dimitri "Thanks. Mommy, I don't love you. But I do like Daddy."
Me " OH....(pause)...well I love you"

Where did my little baby go?
I guess that is kind of how life goes at our house these days. One minute we are laughing and the next I am holding back tears. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve such fun and joy in my life. Then sometimes I wonder what I did to derserve all the rest of it in my life.
I am a sinner, saved by the sweet grace of God, and any blessings that He sees fit to deliver in my life, I am thankful for. The Bible says that we should not feel at home or comfortable on this earth because this is not where we belong. I look forward to the day when I can be in His presence, in heaven. I won't even have to think about the pains of this earth. And yet, how many times do we say to God, through our actions and choices, "You know Daddy, I don't love you."
Imagine His pain.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

He is a great husband!

Look at what I got delivered to me today.....I mean, I have got to have the best husband in the world....he is over there, and he sent me these! WOW!!!

The bear is one that he got me before he left....his voice is recorded on it, so I thought it was only natural to have him hold the flowers!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hey Hubby!

So I mentioned below that Tony got internet. I was delightfully surprised when he told me today that he was able to read ALL the posts I have put up since he left! WOW!!! I didn't think he would have time to read this. How wonderful!
So.....of course I have to say..... Hey Hubby! I love you. Thanks for reading this and thanks for all you do for us! You are the best!


As always, I was sporting my broncos wear on game day today at the store. This guy who was working at the store said "OH! Boise State, the one with the blue field!" (a very common comment down here) He went on to talk about how amazing it is how well they have done the past few years. I, of course, talked up the Broncos and the football program. We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. He came up to me a couple minutes later and said "Hey, excuse me, why is the field blue anyways?"
What is a girl to say......."well sir, it is because Boise is a uniquely beautiful place!" so that is what I said!
I am so glad that i can educate these poor Texans. For heaven's sake, they think flat desert is beautiful!
True beauty is a blue football field!

Just a side note: I am SO glad that I get to watch the game on tv tonight!!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What do you think?

Here is an interesting quote..... what do you think?

Sometimes I'd like to ask God why he allows poverty, famine and injustice in the world when He could do something about it...but I'm afraid God might ask me the question. ~Anonymous

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another beautiful rainy day!

He got a little cold at the circus.

Today was another beautiful rainy day.... and I mean it rained ALL day. It was so nice. Around 1:00pm I went into Walmart, and it was pouring, but it was really humid and still hot. When I came was still raining, but the temperature had dropped 20 degrees! No kidding! It went from 83 to 65 in like 30 minutes. I was so happy! When I picked the kids up at school Dimitri was shaking, literally shaking, by the time we got to the car. Poor Haitian/Texan child.

On another note, my circus pictures didn't turn out so great. Denaiza's head kind of disappears. I tried to take a couple without the flash, but those are blurry. I will post what I have, and if you look really closely you can see her BIG smile. What can I say? I am not Brandon.

God is so great! Tony got internet in his room! I am thrilled. Now he might have time to write an email longer than 3 sentences! Don't get me wrong, those 3 sentences that he is able to send are wonderful.....I just love any contact I can get from him. So, this is going to be a real blessing. We are also praying that we will now be able to use the webcams my dad got for us. I think it will really help the kids to be able to see Daddy.

Ok, that is all for now. Good night.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Feel like crying a little?

If so, click on this link. Then click on the button on the left side that says BABIES. It might take a minute to load up, but watch the poem in the slide.... and turn your speakers on.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Forgive me, I was planning on putting pictures up of the circus, but it has been a long weekend. Haven't had a chance to sit down and write much. Hope you are all well. Have a great week. I will get to the pictures.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mastercard Commercial

Gas to drive to Temple - $25
Fancy Grilled Chese Sandwich - $5
Circus Tickets - $10
Ice Cream - $8
Annoying Circus Toys - $16
Elephant Ride - $7

Spending 4 hours with my daughter, meltdown free - PRICELESS

Too late to say more, but I will put pictures up tomorrow.
Good night.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Little "Daddy"

So for the meeting tonight the kids were supposed to dress up. Dimitri had the choice of being Superman or Daddy ( a soldier). I bet you know who he picked...... the best Superhero of all "DADDY"!!!

It was really cute, as I was getting him dressed in his outfit he said, " Ok Mommy, I am a soldier to the rescue now. I am going to Iraq, but I will be back later tonight" And then proceeded to "fly" out of the room. Here is a picture of him tonight.

This is really neat

Our God is a God of details!!!! This is so amazing to me, makes me feel so loved, and is just the coolest thing ever.
Here is the situation: Tony is on the other side of the world. When I found out he would be deploying I began praying that God would send a man or some men along with him that he could be encouraged by in a positive way. The morning that Tony left, he introduced me to Chaplain Kay. He seemed like a nice guy. Since Tony has been over there he has talked about how he talks to the Chaplain everyday and is going to Bible Study with him. I think this is jsut great.... what an answer to prayer that Tony would have someone to encourage him spiritually over there.
Here is the other side to the situation: I am here, in Texas, and really know hardly anyone. I found out that there is this Christian group of ladies that meets weekly for Worship and Bible Study (PWOC). Ok, so I go, and I enjoy it. I love the worship and really enjoy getting into the Word. There is a lady there, I think she might be the head of PWOC here at Ft. Hood... not sure though. Every time I see her, she seems so nice and sweet. I haven't ever gotten a chance to talk to her though. SO! tonight I went to an FRG (Family support group for when the unit deploys) meeting. As I was walking in the door, I see this woman who looks familiar to me, and I realize that it is the lady from PWOC! So, I say hello, you have cute kids, etc. Then, as we get into the meeting room, I see her name tag.....and YEP you guessed it..... she is the wife of the Chaplain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just think this is so amazing of God to do. How big is this world? HUGE and how many people are on this planet? Sooooo many! And God loved my husband and I so much that He orchestrated a man on the other side of the world to minister to my husband and this man's wife on this side of the world, to reach me through the ministry she serves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should have goosebumps on your arms right now just like I do!!!
God is so good and SO loving and so into details.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Glorious Day!

Today has been the best Monday I have had in a long time. First off, it is raining and gloomy outside! I can hardly contain my excitement. Truly! I love rainy days. It is always so sunny and hot down here, and I just love to feel like I am in a "normal" place that actually has weather besides SUNNY. So, it is dreary and dark outside. I feel like God is giving me a big hug with the clouds. It is great.
Also, I was able to go to the gym after dropping the kids off this morning. I got in the full workout that I wanted, and just as I pushed the "off" button on the treadmill, my phone rang. It was my dear sweet husband!!!! He just wanted to tell me hi and that he loves me and to have a great Monday! How sweet is that???!!!! All the way from over there to tell me that.
I decided to rent a couple movies to watch while I do Brandon's invitations. Oh, so nice, sitting in the house, with the scent of Sharpie marker in the air and a tongue that tastes like envelope, watching a funny movie with dark clouds outside.
(I do believe that the day I see Jesus will be better than this..... but that is about all that could be better than today!)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weird People

People down here are a little weird..... well, some of them are a lot weird and some are normal, but overall they are all a little weird!
We pay for garbage collection every month. The only other place I have paid for it is in Idaho, and in Idaho it was a set rate. Well, here, the rate depends on a number of different things; the size of your can and the weight are just two things they go by. You get charge extra if your lid is open, even a little, because it is too full. They also charge you by the bag for any bags they have to pick up that are not in your can.
Ok....that was a long explanation, but all that to say that I have tried to be really careful about not putting to much in, so that we won't be charged extra. WELL.... I went to take some trach out to the big can last week, and I noticed two boxes in it that weren't ours. I knew they weren't because they were some foods that we have never eaten. I thought, "oh well, maybe they were in the street and someone just put them in there." Then I went to put the can out on Thursday morning, and I noticed it was really really heavy. I looked in it, and there were 2 more boxes and 3 bags of garbage in it!!!! NOT our garbage. At first I thought I was going crazy, and I went inside to see what color drawstrings our bags had, and sure enough, they were red. The ones in the can were blue!
This is just so weird to me. Do people not have any morals here? I mean really... who would go so low as to walk to the side of my house and put their trash in my can, that I will have to pay for based upon the weight??????
So, after the garbage man came, I pulled the can around to the backyard, where it can't be seen, and closed the gate. Maybe I need to get a garbage can guard dog!
Crazy Texans!!!!

Things I am thankful to God for:

His mercy on me and His grace
a husband that works hard for his family
a comfortable house to live in
money to pay bills
a father that listens to me
a mother that would do anything for me and my kids
a foodsaver to use on cookies for Tony
the sunsets
the Bible
a good friend who always listens (even when she has no running water and mosquitoes are giving her malaria while we talk) - Shelley
Praying friends
a swimming pool
Hope because the Hokie Pokie isn't what it is all about
His healing powers
the time I had in Minnesota
a little sister who is devoted to my brother
in-laws who don't make me crazy

I could go on and on. I am so very thankful.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Another picture

At his new office

We are 10% done!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wedding Pictures

I got my wedding pictures from Brandon. He did an awesome job! Here are a couple: