Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Talked to my man today!

Well I talked to Tony today. He is so tired and worn out. He has been getting about 4 hours of sleep each night. Right now he is staying in a huge tent with about 80 other people......sleeping on a cot. They will be headed to their final destination sometime soon. Once there he will be blessed to have his own room! We sent lots of NC stuff to decorate it with, but if you see anything Tarheels Blue, I am sure he would love to add it to his collection! :)
If you think of it, please take a moment to lift Tony up in prayer today. He is getting frustrated and worn out. It sounds like his job has gotten even more demanding over there, and if you add the stress of leaving us behind, he is rather irritable. Please pray for strength and wisdom to complete the tasks that are put before him. Also, pray for really deep sleep. You could lift his leaders up as they work with him and also his soldiers as Tony tries to be a good leader for them.
As for the three of us left in the states.........
Denaiza is doing good. She has tried to get away with some things since Daddy is gone, but hasn't had much luck.
Dimitri is more emotional than I had expected. He is very clingy and often sad. He had a pretty hard time when I dropped him off for school today. He asks about Daddy all the time, almost every conversation leads to the topic of "daddy" which I don't mind.
I am doing amazingly well. The title of our blog is "living strength to strength". What that encompasses is that God will give us the strength that we need to get through whatever it is He puts in front of us. At some point we may say "OH! I don't know how I am going to be able to do that", but God always gives us the amount of stamina we need to get through each day and each situation. I am a living testament to that!!!! If you would have asked me a month ago how I thought I would do with Tony gone, I would have been very tempted to say that I didn't think I could possibly do it. However, God has blessed me with a very peaceful heart and strong mind. I have been able to handle these first few days without too many tears. I know that it is God at work in me, because there is no way I could do it on my own.
Well, that is all for now. Thank you for caring for our family and lifting us up in prayer!

----Oh, some of you might be wondering if we are seeing any of the hurricane here......we are hoping to see some rain starting tomorrow, but the outlook seems bleek. ---------