Monday, February 2, 2009

A Little Glimpse into My Life

What a day! Wow, don't ever say, "can it get any worse?" Cause it can!
So, I had several things on my "To Do" list today. One of those things was to put a new battery into Tony's car. You see, when I got home from Idaho in December, I went to move the car to get the Christmas decorations out, only to find that the battery was completely dead. At this point you may be doing the math in your head, and yes, that was a couple months ago. However, I was headed back to Idaho, and haven't had time to get it done since.
So....back to today. I decided that I would just get it done. I was really nervous about trying to change the battery, and I somehow convinced myself that I was going to electrocute myself doing it.
Oh wait, I forgot one of the most important parts to this story.....the car was parked in the garage, all the way to the left and all the way forward. That meant that the driver's side door couldn't be opened. I had to park it that way or it wouldn't fit in the garage. That is also why I didn't just jump it and take it in to get the new battery in.
Ok...back to today again. I climbed through the passenger side and popped the hood, climbed back over the middle console and squeezed around the front of the car to open the hood. I saw nuts and bolts and a metal bar hindering my ability to get the old battery out. So, I went and searched for a tool that looked like it would be the right size and shape. Out of the 12 that I chose, none of them worked. I was starting to sweat at this point.
I decided to see how heavy this SUV really was, and if I could push it enough to get enough room to jump it. I climbed back in the car and put it in nuetral and it didn't far so good. I got out and went to the passenger side and barely nudged it, just to see if I could actually move it. It started to roll! I was happy because it stopped rolling too.
At this point I made a very stupid decision. I will blame it on the fact that I am a blonde woman alone because of a deployment who knows nothing about cars.
I decided I would just keep pushing the car out of the garage until it was far enough out that I could open the driver's side door and get in and push....cause then I would be able to put the brakes on when I needed to. So.....I pushed it. All was well for about 2 seconds when it was rolling really slowly. I was standing on the passenger side holding on by the open window, with entirely too much confidence in my upper body strength.
I am sure that you can see where this is headed.....did I mention that our driveway slopes down a bit? no....oh....well, I forgot about that part earlier too. So all of the sudden the car starts to go faster and faster and I am holding on for dear life, trying with all my strength to stop this car. Images start flashing in my mind of my car going through the neighbor's front door. I was in a complete panic. Then, out of the corner of my eye I see this little Honda racing down the street. All I could think was.. ."Oh Lord, please stop that car!" As I looked at the approaching car I felt an awkward pain in my foot, but I was in turmoil and couldn't focus on that.
Finally the TOny's car stopped. It hit the curb in front of the neighbor's house and stopped. I raced around to the driver's side and quickly put it in park. I have never shaken so much in my whole life. The approaching car had stopped by this point, and the silly driver rolled his window down and said, "are you ok?"
"Oh yeah, I am fine," I replied through tears.
Well, to make a long story even longer......I pushed the car back across the street, but couldn't get it up the curb, so there is sat blocking the street.
I called my loving and always supportive father. At first I was rather calm and collected. I asked him to please walk me through how to jump start a car. ( The was obviously my first time)He kindly told me the first which I responded....I can't take that cap off. I am going to die!!!!! THen I started weeping, went on some long sob story about what had happened, etc. etc. and looked down at my foot to see the black tire marks and realized that I had run over my foot!!!!! Which made me cry harder. My poor dad. He said, "calm down Brittanny, it will be ok." Just then another car pulls up and asks if I need help....Oh no, I am ok, I say, to which my father says, "well, it probably would have been ok to ask them for help." To which I say, "but I don't want to cause a problem for them."
So....I will edit the story here so that it doesn't turn into a novel. My dad walks me through jumping the car. It starts. I stop crying. I move it and park it in the street so that the next time I have to jump it, it will be easier.
I have calmed down a bit, but my foot still hurts and my hands are still shaking like nothing I have ever seen before.
I look at the clock and I still have a little bit of time before I need to go get the kids. I decide that I will take my car to get it washed. I drove to one of those self-wash places where you put the quarters in for a certain amount of time with the water and soap. Things are going good. I am thinking about how proud TOny would be of me for actually washing the car. The timer on the water starts beeping, meaning that my time is about up. I go and put the sprayer away and all of the sudden I hear this weird sound. In my head I was thinking that it was the sound of a pigeon, but what would it be doing in this car wash? Just as I am getting into my nice clean, shiny car it hits!!! YEP!!!! Two big drops of bird poop. I get out and look up and there are 4 pigeons sitting on the beam above where I washed the car!!!!
I didn't start crying....I just walked over to the water sprayer, that had like 5 seconds left on it. The logical thing would be to spray off the car right? NOPE, I sprayed those birds and gave them a shot of water that they will never forget!!!
I am sure that you are thinking this is where my bad luck ends.....but you are wrong. I get to the kids' school. I go to Dimitri's room first where I am greeted by his teacher who informs me that Dimitri was really very bad today and was really rude. I told Dimitri to sit in time out while I went to get his sister, to which he replied NO! I felt the tears coming, but couldn't let them out. I sat him down myself and went to get Denaiza. I was greeted at her room by her teacher who informed me that Denaiza got in a lot of trouble today because she decided to kick several of the other students...."not a little bit, but really hard." And apparently she then went on to have a temper tantrum outside at recess because no one wanted to play with her.....hmmmmmm.....I wonder why.
Well, I finally get the kids in the car, talk to them about their bad choices, and then turn up the music because by this point, I don't even know what to say or think.
I came home and called my always supportive and loving mother. As I began to tell her what happened she had the nerve to say.....
"Honey, do you see any humor in this, because I really think it is funny!"
Uhhhhhh, NO MOM, NOT FUNNY. :)
Well, at least not today it isn't. I am sure that in a few weeks or years, or lifetimes, I might be able to look back and laugh. But NOT tonight. My foot hurts too much to laugh.
Oh.....the joys......of my life........


Chelsey said...

are you gonna get that thing checked out? (your foot, I mean????) crushed the poor thing to death...

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry i didnt get your call today ... love you sis hope your foot gets better.

Jami said...

Oh man, can I relate to these stories! I hope things start looking up :)