Thursday, July 10, 2008

What a yucky 2 days!

Here is a list of things that I would like and enjoy MORE than having my husband on the other side of the globe and not with me:

-my toenails ripped off and my feet dipped in salt water
-the M&M factory to report they are bankrupt and for all production to stop
-waking up with a tarantula on my face
-having only lima beans to eat for a week
-having to go skiing at Bogus during a blizzard
-changing 5,000 poopy, runny, disgusting diapers
-being told that mashed potatoes are illegal
-having Salmon go extinct
-having to go on a relaxing vacation to Alaska (the real snowy cold part of that state)
-allowing my brothera to alter and set off 100 fireworks right next to our house
-having to clean bathrooms for the rest of my life

......guess you get the picture huh....

On a more serious note, this has been truly horrible, gut wrenching, and miserable....and it has only been TWO days....God will get me through, I belive that, but that doesn't mean that this awful pain in my chest and heaviness on my heart will go away.
Last night was the first night, since our first date, that I went to bed without hearing Tony tell me goodnight, either over the phone or in person!!!!!
I wish I could take a sleeping pill that would let me rest peacefully until next year and then wake up like Sleeping Beauty when her prince kissed her! ahhhh, how nice.
I love my husband more than words can express. I did not really understand the uncertainty in his voice when he asked me the question " are you sure you are willing to do this Army life with me?" back when we were dating. How could anyone really understand this pain and anguish? You can't until you experience it. I read several books about being an Army wife, and thought that I was all prepared. I listened to stories about other woman who were going through it and thought I was prepared, but NO WAY was I prepared for this.
It just plain stinks!!!!!!


Brandon said...

I don't understand, skiing in a blizzard and vacationing in Alaska sound like fun

Liles Family said...

You would say something stupid like dork! I feel bad for Amamda marrying a man who thinks of those things as fuN!