Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Do you know why....

I have grown up with people always praying for my family and me. It seems natural to me, but at times I feel selfish for asking others to pray. Well, I was listening to an online sermon by Jonh Piper and he explained it very is my atempt to paraphrase him:
Basically the idea is that the more people you share your need for prayer with, the more people you will then have praying about a situtaion. The end goal is that when God works and the people can see the ways that God has answered all the having a large group praying for you, it allows God to be glorified ten-fold. Instead of just you praising and thanking God for what He has done, there can be 10 or 20 people praising Him! I thought it was a great way to look at it.
I will try to figure out how to put the link in here so that you can listen to it as well.

Please pray with us this week:
1. For Tony's safety
2. For God to help Tony in dealing with stress
3. For the children to choose to behave and listen to mom, in dad's absence
4. For Brittanny to be strong for Tony and for the kids

Looking forward to praising Him with you!