Monday, June 28, 2010


We spent this last week hanging out as a family. Tony took 5 days off work. It was magnificent! I love that man so much, and being able to enjoy him for so many days in a row was a real blessing. We went up to Seattle one day and took the kids to see the Space Needle and Pike's Place Market. We ate dinner at the Crab Pot (as seen on TV). My favorite part was actually waking up before my husband in the mornings and hearing him snore. He has to get up so early for work that it is really hard for him to sleep in. I was overjoyed to see him "life-less" at 9 in the morning.
Little Diva had her 6th birthday. We celebrated by going to see Toy Story 3. That is kind of a creepy movie, but I was crying at the end, so I guess it was good. She had a butterfly cake and had tacos for dinner.
The same day as her birthday was the anniversary of the day that God brought the kids into the US. This year marks 5 years together. It has been a long road, with all kinds of potholes and speed bumps, but every once and awhile we see a lovely sight along the side of the road. We pray for more pretty sights and less pot holes as we go onto to this next year.
Well, it is a Monday. Mondays are my least favorite day of the week. I miss my man terribly when he goes back to work, and today is extra hard since I got him for a whole week. So, the only answer is to curl up on the couch and watch baby shows on TLC.


Jami said...

awww, those shows give me baby fever :)

Unknown said...

Hey! You have a blog! Yippee! Get some pics of those cutie kids on here!
