Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another Week

We made it through our first week.....but some how that isn't too comforting considering how many weeks we still have left. I wish this whole thing would hurry up and be over; I don't really care to build my character through trials and tribulations.
So far this second week has proved harder than the first. I am not sleeping. Denaiza is being a real pill, to say the least. Dimitri is sad about Daddy a lot. I miss my husband like crazy. We haven't been able to communicate much.
Ok, sorry for the bad attitude. Had to get it out.
On a better note, I will be starting a Beth Moore Bible Study today. It is the "Believing God" study. I am looking forward to learning more, but am also quite nervous about meeting new people and being in a vulnerable situation. I wish I was as socialable (?sp) as my brother Bryan. But, I will trust that God has something great in store for me.
Will write more later.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, I know it's hard but God will not put more on you than you can bare. So hang in their. Much love