So sorry it has taken me so long to update this. I will start back a few weeks ago. The kids had their spring break and I needed some help for that week. My mom was so gracious to take time off of her work to be here with us and to help me out. She was an angel the whoel time she was here. Truly, it was such a relief to have a partner to get through the day and night with. She supported me with Denaiza and all the struggles involved there. She calmed me at night when I had nightmares, and just her presence allowed me to be able sleep much better during the nights. The kids, of course, were thrilled to have her here. When Grandma is here they get "yummy breakfast" like pancakes and french toast! Grandma is also so much fun to play with and they get to do extra fun things with her around.
One of the first things we did was go bowling. I haven't been bowling in forever, but I was still fairly confident that I would be able to beat my half-century old mother with long nails. The competition was on! Much to my surprise, she was pretty good!!!! She pulled ahead but with my last turn I came even and we TIED! It was so funny. We were giving each other such a hard time the whole game, and then we tied!!!! We decided that God desired peace in our household for the next week, and that is why we tied. (Really, I just didn't want her to feel bad.)
The kids had a blast bowling as well. Dimitri was so funny! After he would walk up and push his ball......he would wait for the five minutes that it took to roll down the lane, then he would run back and flex his muscles! We couldn't stop laughing. Denaiza enjoyed dancing to the music they were playing. (It was obvious that her Grandma didn't teach her to dance!)
Here are some pictures:
We love our Grandma!
Denaiza is SO happy to take a picture with me! (Can you tell?)
"Why is it going SO slow?"

"Yipeeeeeee, I hit some!!!"
We also celebrated St. Patrick's Day Adams' style. We wore green and had green jello shamrocks for dinner!

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