Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Break Part 1
So sorry it has taken me so long to update this. I will start back a few weeks ago. The kids had their spring break and I needed some help for that week. My mom was so gracious to take time off of her work to be here with us and to help me out. She was an angel the whoel time she was here. Truly, it was such a relief to have a partner to get through the day and night with. She supported me with Denaiza and all the struggles involved there. She calmed me at night when I had nightmares, and just her presence allowed me to be able sleep much better during the nights. The kids, of course, were thrilled to have her here. When Grandma is here they get "yummy breakfast" like pancakes and french toast! Grandma is also so much fun to play with and they get to do extra fun things with her around.

We also celebrated St. Patrick's Day Adams' style. We wore green and had green jello shamrocks for dinner!

Posted by Liles Family at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Fun Stuff
We have had an amazing several days with my mom much laughing, some tears, but most of all, a lot of fun and time to love each other. It has been wonderful, except that my mom broke a nail trying to help me start the lawn in Texas is rough!
More to come........
Posted by Liles Family at 5:36 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ding Dong
There is a city near us that is named Ding Dong..... seriously.....can you believe that? Strange people.
Posted by Liles Family at 4:29 PM 3 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Time Change again!
Can you believe that it is ALREADY time to change our clocks again? It seems like just yesterday that I was writing the post about changing the clocks back. I am so glad that time is going by so quickly.....and tonight I get to do something that I have been looking forward to for a long time....I get to "fast forward" time. heehee Wonderful! I am always saying that I wish time would go faster, tonight it happens. Yeah!
Sweet Dreams
Posted by Liles Family at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I think this is an awesome story.....there is a lady that I have "gotten to know" over the internet on a chat group for Army wives. Well, her husband died last week in Afghanistan. She is 27, like me, and they have a 1 year old son. Here is where the blessings start to flow....her husband had just come home on R&R last month. So they were able to spend time together and she has a lot of recent pictures. Then, she just found out that she is pregnant!!!! God created that little life in her knowing all that would happen in the days to come. How amazing is that????? I couldn't help but cry. God is so awesome and so into details! What a wonderful gift this child will be to her for the rest of her life.
Posted by Liles Family at 12:08 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A good day
Today was a good day. God worked some wonderful things out in our lives. I was finally able to find a program here that might be able to help Denaiza. It has been more than rough the past few months. This program has many different things available and I think that we will be able to find something to help Denaiza's life be more enjoyable. She had her first appointment today. We were also able to get into another doctor there next week; they had originally had a month waitlist, but providentially, there was a cancellation this morning and they were able to get us in! YEAH!
Also, I was able to get in to see a doctor today. Our prayer was that she would be receptive, kind, and compassionate towards what it is going on, and she completely was! It was awesome. She decided to put me on some medicine that, according to the research, should have a really positive effect on things.
These have been two big hurdles in my life, and God took care of them both in one day! His mercy shone down on us in Texas today.
Another great piece of info is that my mom is coming to visit us!!!! I am so excited. Besides the giggling and laughing that we always do together, it will be so fun to have someone to do things with here. I will have someone to talk to while I wait to pick the kids up from school! Just little things like that will be so nice. I have several little house keeping things to do as well, but they take two people, so they have been on hold for the past 6 will be nice to get them done. I am really excited to have a girls night.....every night....after the kids go to bed!!!!!
Posted by Liles Family at 10:24 PM 1 comments