Friday, November 28, 2008
We will see....if not, at least I will take a picture of the sign for him. I am sure he will appreciate the effort.
Oh, funny story, so I went out this morning to shop and I think that my dear husband could feel his money being drained because he called me just as I started shopping in the Polo section at Macy's! That man!!! :) Great timing!
Posted by Liles Family at 2:55 PM 0 comments
We are so very thankful. First and foremost we are thankful for a loving and forgiving God who sent His son so that we might have a relationship with Him. Wow, how incredibly awesome is that? The gift of His mercy and grace should be enough to have us celebrate Thanksgiving everyday!!!!
We are also thankful for the man that God brought into our lives. Tony Joe....we miss you today.
We are thankful for food to eat. There are so many that are struggling with this basic necessity. We are thankful for a loving and supportive family; they have proven they will always be there for us. I hope that your Thanksgiving was a special one and that you had a chance to reflect on all the blessings in your life as well.
Posted by Liles Family at 3:01 AM 0 comments
Bryan and Nicole

We also had the joy of getting to see Uncle Bryan on this trip. It is always an encouragement to have him around as he is not only a great brother to me, but he is also very helpful and supportive with the kids and holding them accountable. It is a huge relief to me to have his hands and voice to help out!
Posted by Liles Family at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Wedding Fun
It was really hard to do all the wedding things without Tony. As happy as I was for Brandon, I just felt a heaviness in my heart. I did my best to be strong and managed to get through the night with only a few tears.
The reception was held in the new sky box down at BSU. This site was more beautiful than words can describe. The room was all windows with an incredible view of Boise. You could see everything about Boise that Tony and I love SO much....the river, the fall trees, the foothills, downtown, and of course the Blue field!
Here are some pictures of the night. I will also include a link to some pictures that Amanda's brother-in-law took. Enjoy!
Posted by Liles Family at 2:19 AM 0 comments
Trip to Idaho
We have been so blessed to be up in Idaho for the past several days. It has been a whirlwind, but what a great time has been had by all. We flew up on the 17th and the flights were smooth. The kids enjoyed the tv's on the plane. God blessed us from the start with a kind man helping me pull 2 of the 3 big suitcases from the shuttle into the airport. I was so glad God placed him there. We arrived in Boise really late, but very happy.
Brandon and Amanda flew in the next night. It was so great to see them, and to hug them. I really miss my brothers when we are apart.
Amanda and I were pampered by my mom and sent to get manicures and pedicures! It was a blast. Brenda, our pamperer, and friend, is always so fun to be around. Laughing is a great relazer, and she always makes me do lots of it. My mom was VERY creative and made cookies shaped like hands and feet and brought them to us to eat that morning! We are so loved and spoiled.
On Wednesday night we had some of our special friends over to the house to love on Brandon and Amanda. I loved seeing them all again. Being in Texas, I had kind of forgotten how much fun it can be to spend time with people you love. I get so isolated down there.....this trip has given me enough "interaction time" to last for several more months.....but like I said, being around these friends is a real blessing.
Brandon and Dimitri had matching shirts on that night. It was pretty cute. They were both wearing "pony" shirts that Daddy would have been very proud of!!! Brandon decided to try to teach Dimitri how to pose with a serious face. The picture below is proof of that. Too funny...
Posted by Liles Family at 1:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Conversations Continued
My mom said she likes to hear here goes....
Denaiza - What's wrong mommy? You don't look so happy.
Me - Well, I am missing daddy a little bit and wish he could go with us to Idaho.
Dimitri - well mommy, he can't because he is too old and too sick in Iraq
Me - well, he is old, but not sick....
Later this evening.....
Denaiza - How is your tummy feeling?
Me- I feel a little nervous and stressed
Dimitri - Why is "the nervous" in your tummy?
Me- No dear, I am just feeling kind of funny.
Dimitri- Mommmmmmmmmy I am not a deer I am a Dimitri
Me- Oh silly me, so sorry
Dimitri - its ok, but you can be my dear
Posted by Liles Family at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
ok...another one
I have nothing of interest to write, so I have to depend on my here is what went down today...
I have to give you a little background though on this one. Dr. Cofield is a child counselor that Dimitri has started seeing....
Ok, so I was getting teary-eyed sitting at the table reading my Bible. There is a situation in my life that I am trying to deal with right now, and my feelings are hurt and my heart is I was reading my Bible. DImitri came up and said, "Oh mommy, why are your eyes crying?" I said "well, there is a lady that is being mean to me and it makes me sad." He said, while rubbing my elbow, "Ohhhh it is ok mommy, you can tell God about that mean lady or if you want I will take you to tell Dr. Cofield."
I couldn't help but laugh at that one.
Then Denaiza chimed in from across the room and yelled "Maybe if Daddy was here he could make her sit on the wall and tell her to use nice words!"
Oh,no, my dear, if daddy was here "the mean lady" might have a black eye for messing with his lady!!!
Posted by Liles Family at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
more of Dimitri
We arrived home today from a long outing. As Dimitri got out of the car I told him to go inside, take off his shoes, and go potty, and that I would be inside in a minute. He said "yes, mommy" and ran 15 seconds later, I turned around, and he was back outside, in the driveway, in his socks, jumping in a big rain water puddle!!!! I said "GET OUT OF THAT WATER! Why are you out here? I told you to go inside!" Then I mumbled under my breath....I wish you would turn your brain on sometimes..... well the little rascal heard me and turned around to me, holding his chin. He said " Ok mommy, I turned it on, right here" (pushing his chin)
How do I stay sane?
Posted by Liles Family at 9:30 PM 0 comments
In Honor of our Soldier
Today, on Veteran's Day, the kids and I wanted to honor our favorite and most loved soldier.
**Make sure you pause the music on the blog page first**
Posted by Liles Family at 1:54 AM 4 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
School Pictures
Look at our pretty girl!!
Some how Dimitri lost his between them being handed out and getting to his backpack...maybe we will find them Wednesday.
Posted by Liles Family at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Interesting Ideas
I saw this video and felt like so much of what this man is saying is how I feel. I hope that you will take the time to watch it.
You will have to cut and paste this into your browser.
Posted by Liles Family at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Mary and her lamb
We were sitting at the table eating lunch and the kids were asking about God and Jesus. Denaiza said that "sins" means "owies" and that is why Jesus had owies when he died. We talked about how he rose up and now Jesus lives with God. So, Denaiza adds...." well, you know that Mary is flying around up there too." I said ok, why is that, and Denaiza said "because she was his mommy, and you always have to be with your mommy." Then Dimitri pipes in and says " NOooooo Denaiza, Mary isn't there, she is with her lamb." I was thinking the lambs in the barn when Jesus was born.....but then he says, "the lamb that followed her to school."
It might take you a minute....but you will get it!!! :) Life with 4 years olds can be quite humorus.
Posted by Liles Family at 3:22 PM 3 comments
a week
yes, it has been a week without me was a little bit of a hard week. Hopefully I will think of something inspiring to put on here tomorrow.
Good night
Posted by Liles Family at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The New Hair-Do
It took a LONG time. I mean, a really long time, as in all weekend. I guess that is why they charge so much at the salons to do it. But my husband was proud and his comment regarding the new do was "way to go dear, you saved us like 100 bucks!" Yes, I do all that I can to impress my husband. In Proverbs 31 it talks about a wife's hands doing positive and helpful work for her family.....I guess in my world, braiding extensions for hours on end qualifies! Gotta stretch that dollar!
Yes, those are crystal and pink princess crowns!!!
Posted by Liles Family at 8:25 PM 3 comments
Have you ever wondered?
Tonight we are supposed to set our clocks back one hour at 2am. So, since I am wide awake at this unpleasant hour, my mind started thinking about the time change. Have you ever wondered what the tv scheduling does when it is time to "go back an hour"? Do they repeat what was just on from 1am to 2am? If not, how do they differentiate the first 1am to 2am time slot from the second 1am to 2am time slot on the tv guide? This could become a very complicated subject if you really think about it. The poor tv producers that have to figure this out! My goodness, no wonder they make so much money! Well, I have about 19 minutes before I find out the truth about how it works....I will do my best to let you all know. (because I am sure the rest of the world is asleep and missing out on this momentous occasion)
One more thing, while I am on this whole time change topic, Iraq doesn't observe the change, SO now that my brain has officially switched over to translating all time that I see into 8 hours ahead, I now have to re-program it to calculate 9 hours ahead. Oh! Life is so full of complications!
Posted by Liles Family at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
More Weird Texas things...
I have two weird Texas things for all of you tonight...
1. You have to pay the city a fee to have a garage sale at your house!
2. The weather-lady for a local station is named Olga Breese (last name pronounced like Breeze)
Posted by Liles Family at 11:11 PM 0 comments
Denaiza's hair
Well I decided to do something different with her hair. I am trying to do extensions. It takes a long time, and with this being my first time I am still very slow. I got about half done today. She likes the long hair!
Posted by Liles Family at 9:34 PM 0 comments