Well, Dimitri had a wonderful day yesterday for his birthday! He got to pick the food and activities of the day......I must say that we weren't too surprised at his choices, but he loved it. He requested French Toast (with suhwup) for breakfast. Then he watched cartoons ALL day. He decided to watch the "Wat Mobee" before Daddy came home. Once Daddy was here Dimitri got to open all his presents. He was thrilled to get presents from grandpa and grandma, and cards from Grandma Sue and Babe, his uncles, and Gran Nanny, Papa Larry, and Uncle Justin. He even got some dollar bills! His big gift was a SUPERMAN costume. He has really been into Superman lately.....not sure where it came from as he hasn't ever seen it on tv.....but we go with the flow! After the gifts we had pizza.......then came the MUCH anticipated SUPERMAN cake!!!!! Dimitri was so excited. He ate Superman's elbow, and thought that was so funny.
He had a great day, and now he is all of FOUR years old!
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