Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A little uneasy
well.....actually A LOT uneasy. Can't go into many details, for safety's sake. But those of you who know us, probably know what I am talking about. Please pray for comfort and peace.
Posted by Liles Family at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School
Well tomorrow.....or should I say today (since it is 2AM) is the kids' first day of school! They will be going to a Pre-K program through the local school district.
I can't fall asleep; I feel almost like I did when I was little and getting ready for my first day of school. I have thought and thought about how I can make this day and experience as great for my kids as my mom always made it for me. I have countless memories of wonderful things she did for us for our first days of school. I remember when I was going into the 3rd grade, my mom made me this beautiful dress and she made a HUGE bow for the top of my head. I can close my eyes and smell the caramel rolls that she made that morning too.
I want my kids to have great memories too. I find myself feeling guilty because I feel like I won't do as good of a job with my kids as my mom and dad did with me.
I am worried about how the kids will do being away from me for so long during the day. I am worried about how they will behave, and how their teachers will treat them. I am worried about them having to take a nap on a hard floor. I am worried that Dimitri won't have time to finish his food because he eats so slowly. I am worried that........... well I could go on and on....... but in the end, what does worrying do for me? NOTHING except keep me up at 2AM! So I will be going to lay down to pray now.
But before I do, I just want to share with you all, my friends, that my heart is so heavy these days. My heart is raw and hurting. I don't want my man to leave. I get a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about it. This is so hard. So hard!
Well, guess I better go lay down...... I will put some pictures up n a few hours once we drop the kiddos off at school.
Happy First Day to those of you starting today as well.........
Posted by Liles Family at 2:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday in NC
We are in North Carolina. We have been here almost a week, and will leave tomorrow. It has been so nice to be around Tony for so many hours each day. I cherish this time with him. It has been wonderful to see his family again. I think we have all had a great time.
This next week will be a whirlwind. Please begin praying for Tony during this time of transition. He is in a hard place. He always gives 120% to work, and is so dedicated, but he is also wanting to be with us these last few days. Please pray that God would work Tony's days out well so that he can get done what needs to be done at work, but also that silly things would not be put in his way at work, so that he can get home at the end of the day.
Posted by Liles Family at 10:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dimitri's Birthday

He had a great day, and now he is all of FOUR years old!
Posted by Liles Family at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Thank you Edouard
YEAH! It was only 77 degrees outside at 10am this morning and it only got to about 97 this afternoon. I am so happy! Thanks to Tropical Depression Edouard we have found some relief. Ahhhhhhh........yes that was a sigh of relief.
Posted by Liles Family at 5:02 PM 0 comments
ok....ants are stupid
These things are ridiculous! We were sitting enjoying a nice meal the night before last when I felt a sharp pain on my toe. I rubbed it....then rubbed it again, but didn't see anything that would cause it, so I figured it was in my head. Then I felt the same pain again on my shin so I jumped up from the table only to find fire ants on my legs (technically it is my mom's fault that I didn't feel them earlier because she said that if I would shave me legs more often I wouldn't always feel like there were bugs crawling on becuause of her brilliance, I didn't feel them soon enough). I did a little dance and thought that I had killed what was on me.......then I went on a hunt. I was determined to figure out where they came from. I mean, really, fire ants don't just show up for dinner. My husband didn't have a lot of faith in me. BUT I found the little buggers. They were coming in from the back patio, through a crack in the door. By the time I found them a whole colony of them had taken over my beautiful wine colored rug (from Target). Once I let the scream out in response to that discovery, my dear husband decided that maybe he should take me seriously and help out. He got up and threw the rug outside and made some stupid comment about how the ants just needed to cool down! He then poured orange Pinesol over the ants left inside. Mind this point I was still stressing out looking all over the kitchen and toys for signs of any others.......Tony, the brave soul that he is, cleaned up the massacre of dead ants and said all was good. So, silly me, thought that was the end of the ant saga.
Well, the next morning I found 3 fire ants in my bathroom, on the floor. My guess is that they were left over from what was on my shorts from the night before.
Today I went to make a birthday cake for a friend when I discovered 5 more on the counter. I killed them.....only to find several more by the stove (if only I could bake them all away!) So in between baking the cake and frosting it I killed several more ants ( no worries, none in the cake). Then I decided I would check the rug again. Well! Sure enough, it was infested again. YIKES!!! The kids thought it was REAL funny to see me screaming and dancing as I became overcome with a yucky tingling sensation all over my legs.
I poured a bunch of bleach...which didn't kill them....then tried to squish them.....then poured Pinesol.......
As of this moment, I think they are all dead......but I am scared to go back in the kitchen. I read on the internet about getting rid of them, and most sites say to call a professional.......great....just more joy of Texas!
These ants are stupid, I mean they have taken up a good hour or more of my time this afternoon, and now they have me seeing things.....all the sudden I see dark moving objects all over my house.
If you have any suggestions as to how to get rid of them, I would LOVE to hear. And, ummmm, my dear brothers, I already know what you are going to say, " put some sugar water on the counters and floor" but I am NOT that blonde.
Posted by Liles Family at 4:38 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
An addition to my "You know it is HOT when..." list
SO.....I have discovered a few more......
You know it is hot when:
-The fire ants decide to move into your kitchen to "cool off"
-You anticipate a hurricane with joy in the hopes that it will break the hot streak
-You have to swim at an indoor pool because it is too hot to take the kids out
-You find yourself giddy when you notice that the thermometer in the car is at 99
-You consider digging your own pool in the backyard with a shovel
-As you sleep at night, you dream about filling up all the sinks and bathtubs with water in case the water supply in Texas evaporates
Yes.....sorry to beat a dead horse.......but it is hot here right now.......but I think this could be the end of in, summer is almost over! I am so glad that Tony isn't in Iraq right now as the temp. there has been around 115 this week!!!!!
Posted by Liles Family at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
A reality check
Ummm.....on the news they were just talking about the heat. They are asking people here to turn their thermostats up to at least 80 to save electricity......and you know it is HOT outside when people feel like 80 inside is cool!
YIKES!!!! It is soooooo hot here!!!!!!
Posted by Liles Family at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Don't need to say much...
Tomorrow the temperature will feel like 110+ degrees! Is that even legal?
Posted by Liles Family at 5:10 PM 1 comments
Mamma said there would be days like this.....
Ever had one of those days when you are scared to say "what else could possiblly go wrong?" Yep, that is our day today. It is like everything is hitting us at once. Good thing God knows what He is doing and that we will be able to handle all this.
Posted by Liles Family at 2:40 PM 0 comments