Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Fun In Idaho

What else do you do on a 100 + degree day?

Matching dressses from Grandma and Grandpa

Just hangin out!


We got our long awaited puppy! His official name is Winchester Freki, but we call him Chester. He is an amazing blessing and such a smart dog. He will be trained as our service dog. We are so excited to see the ways that God is going to bless us with Chester and his service and skills. God is so faithful!

Denaiza's B-day

She is 5 years old now! She had a grat time. It was Princess themed and she had two cakes.....a princess cake and a princess castle cake. A geat time was had by all. (Even princess Grandpa!)Thank you for sending cards! The dollars were a BIG hit!!!!

We have WAY too much fun in this house!! I love my Mom and Dad!!!
Trying to be silly too! Yikes!

July 15, 2009
Dear Friends,
Close your eyes and imagine being in the mountains of Colorado - the fresh air, the sounds of birds and streams, the bright blue skies with puffy white clouds. It is almost paradise for some. Keep that vision and then pretend you are on a mountain bike, sucking in the high altitude air, your muscles are burning, the sweat is dripping down into your eyes, and your shins are covered in blood and mud. This is also paradise for some -specifically Brady Adams. Brady is an 18-year-old from Boise, Idaho. He loves mountain biking! Brady is going to be racing in a grueling 100-mile race called the Breckenridge 100. This incredible course climbs 13,719 feet over its 100 miles, taking 11 to 12 hours to complete. Yes, you read that right, 100 miles! This is Colorado’s premier off-road endurance race.
Although this will be an amazing and unimaginable challenge for Brady, we realize that there are things much more challenging and difficult in life. Things like starving children, abandoned orphans, mothers dying in childbirth, corruption, disease, physical pain, and people living lives centered around evil. These issues are common place, everyday occurrences in the lives of Byron and Shelley Tlucek. They are a missionary couple who live in Port au Prince, Haiti with their children. Although their jobs and responsibilities are varied and numerous, their main goal is to be an extension of God’s hands here on earth, specifically in Haiti, and to bring glory to Him.
The Tlucek family is currently serving with Heartline Minisitries. The family’s main focus is the children living in the children’s homes that Heartline Ministries supports and runs. They do various activities to prepare the children to be adopted and live successful live in the families that adopt them. One example of this is taking the children and nannies to church with the family each Sunday. This is such a key element in their ministry. Sharing the gospel with the children and nannies is the one thing that will truly make a difference in eternity! Right now they are transporting children and nannies from the children’s homes, people from the short term mission teams, along with their own family to church each Sunday in a small SUV. That is at least 32 people each week that rely on this family to transport them to a place where they can hear the word of God and learn His truth.
As mentioned above, the Tluceks also minister to mission teams from the U.S. that go down to Haiti to serve the Haitian people. The teams can range from 5 to over 30 people. When these teams are in town, which is quite often, the Tluceks provide meals, transportation, and support to these people. The teams bring with them energy, fresh ideas, and A LOT of supplies. So, not only do the teams need transportation, but there is also a need for transportation of all the luggage and supplies that are brought in.
What can we do to help the Tlucek family? Their undertakings are so huge and their responsibilities are so great! We need to do something to assist them in their mission!It is obvious, after reading about the activities that are going on with the Tlucek family, a major need for Byron and Shelley right now is a second vehicle. Their desire is to purchase a 15-passenger van in Haiti. They will also install a luggage rack on top of the vehicle. This vehicle would be so much more than a motor and four wheels. This will be a “God mobile” allowing people to share and hear the word of God. Take a glimpse of all this van would do… it would transport children to church, children to Christian school, women to the hospital to deliver their babies safely, food for the orphans, supplies from the airport and all the other things that God brings their way.The van will cost approximately $35,000US. Praise God, a total of $15,000 has already been collected for this purchase! We need to allow God to use us to collect the rest of this money.
The beginning of this letter talked about Colorado, mountain biking, and a young man named Brady. God has given Brady a heart to serve, just like He gave the Tlucek family. That is where the connection became clear. Brady is going to ride in this 100 mile race, honoring God, and raising money for the Tlucek family to purchase that new van! However, you and I can have a part in this too. We can raise money for the van by sponsoring Brady for each mile he rides.
Please pray about this opportunity for you or your family. This is an incredible way to make a difference in the lives of people in Haiti, who need the Lord desperately, without leaving your home town. You can sponsor each mile for as little or as much as God leads. Even 10 cents per mile can make a difference! Your willingness to prayerfully consider this opportunity is appreciated more than words can express.

May God Bless You!

Brittanny J. Liles

Please send your donations to:
Tlucek Family
c/o Brittanny Liles
6222 S. Snapdragon Pl.
Boise, Idaho 83716

Please make any checks out to:
Heartline Ministries with a note in the memo line that the indicates the money is for the “Tlucek Van Fund”

**Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt to use for tax purposes.**

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Well, God has brought us through over 28 million seconds in this deployment. That is alot. I have around 3 to 4 million left.....I think I can make it.

This summer has been so busy! The kids had swimming lessons for 2 weeks. Dimitri had football camp for 1 week. They had 1 day of golf......long story. They also just finished 1 week of basketball. Next week is free....thankfully! The wek after that they will have soccer. I am tired just thinking about all that. They have completley enjoyed it though.

We got a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!! He is precious. His name is Winchester Freki, but we call him Chester. He is in training to be our service dog! God is so good and all-knowing. He provided the perfect dog and situation for us. We believe that Chester is going to be used by God in mighty ways to help with some of the problems we have been dealing with. To say that I am excited about this edition would be a severe understatement.

Tony came home for R&R and we had a wonderful time. We went up to Tammarack and rented a cabin for a few days. Grandpa and Grandma were saints and kept the kids. Tony and I felt like we were on a 2nd honeymoon! It was so relaxing. The area was maginificent. God did such a great and perfect job creating Idaho!

My 10 year class reunion is this weekend. The kids and I had a fun time at the BBQ tonight. They looked darling and behaved very well. I enjoyed talking to old friends. Good times......good times.....

Exciting news.....both kids can FINALLY ride their bikes (with the training wheels). I tried for months in Texas to teach them without any success. We came to Idaho and Uncle Brady had they riding like pros in days! Thanks Brady! You are great! If you are this great and teaching everything I might have you try teaching them to wipe their bottoms......cause I am a bit tired of that job! :)

That is all for now. I will try to get some pictures of all the adventures on here soon.